RippleSmith Sailing

MakingWaves With Intention

Sailing Adventures to Make Your Vacation

or a Life Changing Transformation

Sailing Out of Sebasco Harbor Resort Phippsburg, Maine

Casco Bay Helmsman Level Offerings

Our Helmsman Offerings are your straight forward sailing adventure. The purpose is to enjoy the experience sailing the Maine coast and seeing the quintessential Maine coast scenery from the water. With a slight upgrade, you and your crew can participate in actually sailing the boat by taking the helm and learning to navigate and trim the sails.

Casco Bay Skipper Level Offerings

The Skipper Level Offerings are a sailing adventure with a deeper purpose. We begin to utilize sailing as a metaphor for life. Passengers will gain insights, wisdom, and skills to help them live a happier, more successful, productive, and fulfilling life.

Advanced RippleSmith Training

Advanced RippleSmith trainings are extended trips for people wanting a deep dive into purposeful work using sailing as a metaphor for life. Passengers will spend 2-7 days healing, growing, and developing the skills, knowledge, and awareness needed to live a more happy, fulfilling, and purpose-full life.

Book Your Trip

Please fill out the form now with your questions or booking request.


“I had the amazing opportunity to sail with Captain Shawn August 2023 while on a 4 day bike trip. The launch from Sebasco Harbor Resort where I was staying was easy and convenient. Captain Shawn is a friendly, capable sailor with loads of experience and personality. We had 4+ hours of sunny blue skies, marvelous wind, an Eagle sighting, magnificent scenery and stories galore. His rates are extremely reasonable. I would have sailed again the next day if I had more time! The choice is yours as to how involved you want to be: trim the sails, tack, or just sit back and relax. I highly recommend sailing with Captain Shawn! You are guaranteed a memorable adventure. " Liz H. Rochester, NY

“When my 85-year old parents really wanted to go sailing during our yearly reunion at Sebasco, Shawn took us out for a perfect afternoon ride. As kids we would camp at Hermit Island and Shawn made sure to pass by there for some nostalgic reminiscing. Charming and knowledgeable, he made the trip a fun, safe, and informative experience. He taught us a few of the basics and let us do some assisting, all the while being kind and patient. He also had many great stories and wisdom to share. A heartfelt and warm person, we had a truly beautiful sail…. I would highly recommend him!”

–Alyssa Morris, Brooklyn NY”

“I highly recommend Shawn’s “Voyage towards the sacred masculine” trip to you. I just got back from Shawn’s first one of these trips this season and it was an absolute blast! Shawn is an awesomely laid back and chill captain with the intuitive ability to keep everyone safe at sea while letting them test the safe limits of their own comfort and the boat, the scenery was stunning, the sailing conditions phenomenal, and the company was great. I went into this trip much more for the sailing than for any particular interest I had in unpacking toxic masculinity, but the conversations we had definitely helped me get to know a group of guys I had just met over the course of two days and I walked away from the experience with four new meaningful friendships on top of two days of awesome sailing.” -Eric Goldman, Boston, MA

Voyage Toward the Sacred Masculine

“What a great 2 days aboard the SV Rune! Perfect weather, a great Captain, and some conversations that opened my mind. I met some new friends and had an experience that won't soon be forgotten. Thanks, Captain, for your insight and allowing our conversations about being a man in 2022 to go where they wanted, organically. I loved the sailing and our relaxed conversations. Looking to book again!!” -Daniel McCaw,

Voyage Toward the Sacred Masculine

“I've known captain Shawn for several years, never in the capacity of actually sailing with him.
As a captain, he is impeccable. As a human being on this planet of ours, I don't know how to describe.... other than "heart and mind opening"
My personal experience aboard his beautiful vessel was amazing !!
Wonderful sailing, comforts, great food, and incredible conversation with some like minded "fellas" that I never would have met. The atmosphere aboard felt as "at home" as it gets. Take the time, spend the modest money, and enjoy an incredible journey of mind, body and soul.
Be ready to open yourself to conversation with others that share your insecurities and life goals.
Wonderful experience for this guy writing!!!
Would recommend to any dude that really wants to CONNECT!!!!
Much love to those I shared with ❤

When booking, ask captain Shawn if he could bring his guitar!!! Wonderful musician as well!!!🎵” -Jack St. Jean, Mount Vernon, Maine